Yunior Hurtado Torres : Figurative Paintings with Braille
I am interested in forms and the figurative, the human being as the center, everything which surrounds and affects humanity. For instances, expression and behavior are elements I used when conceiving my work. The freshness of the moment, the spontaneous and control of spaces and light are the initial process.
I appropriate my reality to transpolar to a universal language. The individual as a social entity which interacts with everything around them, vulnerable to the influences of his socio-cultural environment. I am interested in emphasizing instants of the biological behavior of the human being, questioning who we are and where we come from. The figurative painting or kind of pictorial realism, investigates my formal training academy and my own desires.
In my work I always use handwriting and sometimes braille. It is a way of approaching the viewer. Throughout the history of man, writing has always been used as the most direct language of communication and thus expressed in many ways. At the beginning everything was purely graphic and symbolic until those representations became letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, etc. Braille is a means of communication for the visually impaired and I am very interested in what you can feel by just by touching the paintings. It is interesting for me to see a relationship the artwork has with the paint to be able to touch it and feel all the tactile texture.
I use oil painting for all the richness of expressions and layers of colors. There is the pleasure placing the brush full of oil on the canvas and discovering how it reveals something new, spontaneous that sometimes resembles the world of ideas you always want to materialize. Everyone around us affects us and says who we are and where we come from.